It’s just six simple steps

Our Process Is Built to Mark a Tough Process Easy

1. Request a quote

The easiest way to get a quote is by filling out the form on this site. You can also e-mail us at, if you’d like.

Once we have all of your specs, we’ll send you an informal price, usually within 24 hours. Our prices include everything: printing and shipping (door-to-door), plus any tariffs, taxes, post fees, etc.

If you’re happy with your price, let us know and we’ll send you a formal quote to review. Once you send us a signed proposal, we’ll send you a full production kit along with templates to work from.

2. Send us your files

Once you send us your print-ready PDF files, we’ll have our friends at Martin Publishing Services review them, and make sure there are no problems.

Assuming all is good, we’re on to Step 3 (that’s usually the case)

If there are any small issues, we’ll do our best to fix them for you. For larger issues, we’ll connect you directly with Martin Publishing Services – whether or not you choose to work with them is up to you, but we’ll make an intro just in case.

3. Let’s go to print!

Well, wait… not just yet. First, we need to get you a physical sample. We’ll send you pictures and video of your sample as soon as it’s done, and you should receive a physical copy in the mail within 10-12 days after your files have been approved.

This is kind of an exciting part – holding a sample copy of your book in your hand!

Hold it, hug it, read it, show it to the mailman… this is a big benchmark! And when you’re done doing all of that, approve it! Once we have your blessing, we’ll let the printer know, and they’ll get mass production going!

4. We’re ready to ship

Roughly 25 days after you’ve approved your sample, your books will have been printed, dried, cut, folded, bound, put into containers and stacked on palettes.

The next step is to ship them back to the US – to your home, our warehouse, or wherever you’d like them to go. This is the hardest part – waiting for them to arrive. We’ll keep you updated as to where you books are, their anticipated date for reaching port, and the expected date for getting to their final destination.

5. The Best Delivery Ever!

The ship is in port, the container’s been unloaded and your palettes have been delivered. If they came to our warehouse, we’ll send you however many you want to keep at home.

Whatever the set-up, you’ll finally open a carton filled with your book, your story, your creation. This is it – months or even years of hard work all culminating in this profound moment, when you officially become a professional author!


6. Sell, Sell, Sell!

This part is really more on you, but it’s maybe the most important step of all – selling your books!

Get out there and schedule school visits, drum up interest at street fairs and book festivals, promote your own site and build volume on Amazon (we recommend using their Advantage platform).

However you do it, sell through this printing and turn those profits into more titles in a growing catalog of books. The sky is the limit!


Are you ready to take the first step toward investing in your publishing business? It starts with getting a price quote – fill out the quick and easy form to see how affordable printing your books can be!

Learn from Experts and other indie authors

Are you a children’s book author? Join one of the largest and most active groups on Facebooks, run by IAPC CEO Jay Miletsky. With nearly 70,000 members at all stages of their publishing journey, it’s the best place to start and learn the intricacies of finding success as an indie author.